Tissue Engineering and Biofabrication - Prof. Marcy Zenobi-Wong

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We are the Tissue Engineering + Biofabrication (TEB) Laboratory at ETH Zürich, formally the Cartilage Engineering + Regeneration group. We work towards a comprehensive understanding of cartilage biology which will allows us to develop novel, multidisciplinary solutions to treat cartilage injuries and malformations. One of our main missions is to regenerate tissues back to their functional, pre-injury state, thereby restoring joint function and promoting the return to a healthy, active, and pain-free lifestyle.
Our group members come from disciplines ranging from biology to materials science and engineering and we collaborate actively with clinicians. Using tools from these disciplines, we hope to control the behavior of cells so that the molecules they produce will be assembled in a manner which recapitulates tissue formation in vivo. These approaches include Hydrogel Functionalization, Bioprinting, Electrospinning, Drug Development & Delivery Systems.